The Invisible Women of the Great Depression

During the Great Depression, women made up 25% of the work force, but their jobs were more unstable, temporary or seasonal then men, and the unemployment rate was much greater. There was also a decided bias and cultural view that "women didn't work" and in fact many who were employed full time often called themselves "homemakers." Neither men in the workforce, the unions, nor any branch of government were ready to accept the reality of working women, and this bias caused females intense hardship during the Great Depression.

Honey Oak Crib

The 1930's was particularly hard on single, divorced or widowed women, but it was harder still on women who weren't White. Women of color had to overcome both sexual and racial stereotyping. Black women in the North suffered an astounding 42.9% unemployment, while 23.2%. of White women were without work according to the 1937 census. In the South, both Black and White women were equally unemployed at 26%. In contrast, the unemployment rate for Black and White men in the North (38.9%/18.1%) and South (18%/16% respectively) were also lower than female counterparts.

Honey Oak Crib

The financial situation in Harlem was bleak even before the Great Depression. But afterward, the emerging Black working class in the North was decimated by wholesale layoffs of Black industrial workers. To be Black and a woman alone, made keeping a job or finding another one nearly impossible. The racial work hierarchy replaced Black women in waitressing or domestic work, with White women, now desperate for work, and willing to take steep wage cuts.

Survival Entrepreneurs
At the start of the Depression, while one study found that homeless women were most likely factory and service workers, domestics, garment workers, waitresses and beauticians; another suggested that the beauty industry was a major source of income for Black women. These women, later known as "survivalist entrepreneurs," became self-employed in response to a desperate need to find an independent means of livelihood."

Replaced by White women in more traditional domestic work as cooks, maids, nurses, and laundresses, even skilled and educated Black women were so hopeless, ''that they actually offered their services at the so-called 'slave markets'-street corners where Negro women congregated to await White housewives who came daily to take their pick and bid wages down'' (Boyd, 2000 citing Drake and Cayton, 1945/1962:246). Moreover, the home domestic service was very difficult, if not impossible, to coordinate with family responsibilities, as the domestic servant was usually on call ''around the clock'' and was subject to the ''arbitrary power of individual employers.''

Inn Keepers and Hairdressers

Two occupations were sought out by Black women, in order to address both the need for income (or barter items) and their domestic responsibilities in northern cities during the Great Depression: (1) boarding house and lodging house keeping; and (2) hairdressing and beauty culture.

During the "Great Migration" of 1915-1930, thousands of Blacks from the South, mostly young, single men, streamed into Northern cities, looking for places to stay temporarily while they searched for housing and jobs. Housing these migrants created opportunities for Black working-class women,-now unemployed-to pay their rent.

According to one estimate, ''at least one-third'' of Black families in the urban North had lodgers or boarders during the Great Migration (Thomas, 1992:93, citing Henri, 1976). The need was so great, multiple boarders were housed, leading one survey of northern Black families to report that ''seventy-five percent of the Negro homes have so many lodgers that they are really hotels.''

Women were usually at the center of these webs of family and community networks within the Black community:

"They ''undertook the greatest part of the burden'' of helping the newcomers find interim housing. Women played ''connective and leadership roles'' in northern Black communities, not only because it was considered traditional "woman's work," but also because taking in boarders and lodgers helped Black women combine housework with an informal, income-producing activity (Grossman, 1989:133). In addition, boarding and lodging house keeping was often combined with other types of self-employment. Some of the Black women who kept boarders and lodgers also earned money by making artificial flowers and lamp shades at home." (Boyd, 2000)

In addition from 1890 to 1940, ''barbers and hairdressers'' were the largest segments of the Black business population, together comprising about one third of this population in 1940 (Boyd, 2000 citing Oak, 1949:48).

"Blacks tended to gravitate into these occupations because "White barbers, hairdressers, and beauticians were unwilling or unable to style the hair of Blacks or to provide the hair preparations and cosmetics used by them. Thus, Black barbers, hairdressers, and beauticians had a ''protected consumer market'' based on Whites' desires for social distance from Blacks and on the special demands of Black consumers. Accordingly, these Black entrepreneurs were sheltered from outside competitors and could monopolize the trades of beauty culture and hairdressing within their own communities.

Black women who were seeking jobs believed that one's appearance was a crucial factor in finding employment. Black self-help organizations in northern cities, such as the Urban League and the National Council of Negro Women, stressed the importance of good grooming to the newly arrived Black women from the South, advising them to have neat hair and clean nails when searching for work. Above all, the women were told avoid wearing ''head rags'' and ''dust caps'' in public (Boyd, 2000 citing Drake and Cayton, 1945/1962:247, 301; Grossman, 1989:150-151).

These warnings were particularly relevant to those who were looking for secretarial or white-collar jobs, for Black women needed straight hair and light skin to have any chance of obtaining such positions. Despite the hard times, beauty parlors and barber shops were the most numerous and viable Black-owned enterprises in Black communities (e.g., Boyd, 2000 citing Drake and Cayton, 1945/1962:450-451).

Black women entrepreneurs in the urban North also opened stores and restaurants, with modest savings ''as a means of securing a living'' (Boyd, 2000 citing Frazier, 1949:405). Called ''depression businesses,'' these marginal enterprises were often classified as proprietorships, even though they tended to operate out of ''houses, basements, and old buildings'' (Boyd, 2000 citing Drake and Cayton, 1945/1962:454).

"Food stores and eating and drinking places were the most common of these businesses, because, if they failed, their owners could still live off their stocks."

"Protestant Whites Only"
These businesses were a necessity for Black women, as the preference for hiring Whites climbed steeply during the Depression. In the Philadelphia Public Employment Office in 1932 & 1933, 68% of job orders for women specified "Whites Only." In New York City, Black women were forced to go to separate unemployment offices in Harlem to seek work. Black churches and church-related institutions, a traditional source of help to the Black community, were overwhelmed by the demand, during the 1930's. Municipal shelters, required to "accept everyone," still reported that Catholics and African American women were "particularly hard to place."

No one knows the numbers of Black women left homeless in the early thirty's, but it was no doubt substantial, and invisible to the mostly white investigators. Instead, the media chose to focus on, and publicize the plight of White, homeless, middle-class "white collar" workers, as, by 1931 and 1932, unemployment spread to this middle-class. White-collar and college-educated women, usually accustomed "to regular employment and stable domicile," became the "New Poor." We don't know the homeless rates for these women, beyond an educated guess, but of all the homeless in urban centers, 10% were suggested to be women. We do know, however, that the demand for "female beds" in shelters climbed from a bit over 3,000 in 1920 to 56,808 by 1932 in one city and in another, from 1929 -1930, demand rose 270%.

"Having an Address is a Luxury Now..."
Even these beds, however, were the last stop on the path towards homelessness and were designed for "habitually destitute" women, and avoided at all cost by those who were homeless for the first time. Some number ended up in shelters, but even more were not registered with any agency. Resources were few. Emergency home relief was restricted to families with dependent children until 1934. "Having an address is a luxury just now" an unemployed college woman told a social worker in 1932.

These newly destitute urban women were the shocked and dazed who drifted from one unemployment office to the next, resting in Grand Central or Pennsylvania station, and who rode the subway all night (the "five cent room"), or slept in the park, and who ate in penny kitchens. Slow to seek assistance, and fearful and ashamed to ask for charity, these women were often on the verge of starvation before they sought help. They were, according to one report, often the "saddest and most difficult to help." These women "starved slowly in furnished rooms. They sold their furniture, their clothes, and then their bodies."

The Emancipated Woman and Gender Myths
If cultural myths were that women "didn't work," then those that did were invisible. Their political voice was mute. Gender role demanded that women remain "someone's poor relation," who returned back to the rural homestead during times of trouble, to help out around the home, and were given shelter. These idyllic nurturing, pre-industrial mythical family homes were large enough to accommodate everyone. The new reality was much bleaker. Urban apartments, no bigger than two or three rooms, required "maiden aunts" or "single cousins" to "shift for themselves." What remained of the family was often a strained, overburdened, over-crowded household that often contained severe domestic troubles of its own.

In addition, few, other than African Americans, were with the rural roots to return to. And this assumed that a woman once emancipated and tasting past success would remain "malleable." The female role was an out-of-date myth, but was nonetheless a potent one. The "new woman" of the roaring twenties was now left without a social face during the Great Depression. Without a home--the quintessential element of womanhood--she was, paradoxically, ignored and invisible.

"...Neighborliness has been Stretched Beyond Human Endurance."
In reality, more than half of these employed women had never married, while others were divorced, deserted, separated or claimed to be widowed. We don't know how many were lesbian women. Some had dependent parents and siblings who relied on them for support. Fewer had children who were living with extended family. Women's wages were historically low for most female professions, and allowed little capacity for substantial "emergency" savings, but most of these women were financially independent. In Milwaukee, for example, 60% of those seeking help had been self-supporting in 1929. In New York, this figure was 85%. Their available work was often the most volatile and at risk. Some had been unemployed for months, while others for a year or more. With savings and insurance gone, they had tapped out their informal social networks. One social worker, in late 1931, testified to a Senate committee that "neighborliness has been stretched not only beyond its capacity but beyond human endurance."

Older women were often discriminated against because of their age, and their long history of living outside of traditional family systems. When work was available, it often specified, as did one job in Philadelphia, a demand for "white stenographers and clerks, under (age) 25."

The Invisible Woman
The Great Depression's effect on women, then, as it is now, was invisible to the eye. The tangible evidence of breadlines, Hoovervilles, and men selling apples on street corners, did not contain images of urban women. Unemployment, hunger and homelessness was considered a "man's problem" and the distress and despair was measured in that way. In photographic images, and news reports, destitute urban women were overlooked or not apparent. It was considered unseemly to be a homeless woman, and they were often hidden from public view, ushered in through back door entrances, and fed in private.

Partly, the problem lay in expectations. While homelessness in men had swelled periodically during periods of economic crisis, since the depression of the 1890's onward, large numbers of homeless women "on their own" were a new phenomenon. Public officials were unprepared: Without children, they were, early on, excluded from emergency shelters. One building with a capacity of 155 beds and six cribs, lodged over 56,000 "beds" during the third year of the depression. Still, these figures do not take account the number of women turned away, because they weren't White or Protestant.

As the Great Depression wore on, wanting only a way to make money, these women were excluded from "New Deal" work programs set up to help the unemployed. Men were seen as "breadwinners," holding greater claim to economic resources. While outreach and charitable agencies finally did emerge, they were often inadequate to meet the demand.

Whereas black women had particular hard times participating in the mainstream economy during the Great Depression, they did have some opportunity to find alternative employment within their own communities, because of unique migration patterns that had occurred during that period. White women, in contrast, had a keyhole opportunity, if they were young and of considerable skills, although their skin color alone offered them greater access to whatever traditional employment was still available.

The rejection of traditional female roles, and the desire for emancipation, however, put these women at profound risk once the economy collapsed. In any case, single women, with both black and white skin, fared worse and were invisible sufferers.

As we enter the Second Great Depression, who will be the new "invisible homeless" and will women, as a group, fare better this time?


Abelson, E. (2003, Spring2003). Women Who Have No Men to Work for Them: Gender and Homelessness in the Great Depression, 1930-1934. Feminist Studies, 29(1), 104. Retrieved January 2, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.

Boyd, R. (2000, December). Race, Labor Market Disadvantage, and Survivalist Entrepreneurship: Black Women in the Urban North During the Great Depression. Sociological Forum, 15(4), 647-670. Retrieved January 2, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.

The Invisible Women of the Great Depression
Honey Oak Crib

Special Price!!! Baby's Dream Furniture Serenity Convertible Crib

Oct 29, 2011 14:31:58

Baby's Dream Furniture Serenity Convertible Crib
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Baby's Dream Furniture Serenity Convertible Crib

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Baby's Dream Furniture Serenity Convertible Crib <<

Baby's Dream Furniture Serenity Convertible Crib Overview

Inspired by the 19th century French sleigh bed style, the elegant Serenity Convertible Crib is constructed with solid wood for durability.This timeless beauty allows the flexibility to mix and match with cases from other Baby's Dream collections.Safety: Manufactured to the highest safety level, ourproducts undergo rigorous safety tests and meet all regulations set by the U. S.Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the JPMA (Juvenile ProductsManufacturers Association).Quality: All Baby's Dream products are constructed of solid wood. This means no MDF, veneers, or particleboard. We build to be durable enough to last for generations. We even add extra thickness to our drawer bottoms and to restrict the possibility of stripping during conversions we use metal insert and bolt assembly.Value: Designed with cost savings in mind our convertiblecribs will grow with your baby and last for years to come. No additional purchase is required to convert to toddler bed.Design: Our cribs offer 2-4 mattress levels, depending on model, ranging from 26 inches (highest position) to 9 inches (lowest position).This allows your baby to stay in the crib longer where he/she is comfortable.

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Baby's Dream Furniture Serenity Convertible Crib

Limited Offer Today!! Baby's Dream Furniture Serenity Convertible Crib Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

55-200Mm Vr Lenses Flip Camera Lithium Batteries

Baby's Dream Furniture Serenity Convertible Crib

Special Price!!! Baby's Dream Furniture Serenity Convertible Crib

Oct 28, 2011 15:39:21

Baby's Dream Furniture Serenity Convertible Crib
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Baby's Dream Furniture Serenity Convertible Crib

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Baby's Dream Furniture Serenity Convertible Crib <<

Baby's Dream Furniture Serenity Convertible Crib Overview

Inspired by the 19th century French sleigh bed style, the elegant Serenity Convertible Crib is constructed with solid wood for durability.This timeless beauty allows the flexibility to mix and match with cases from other Baby's Dream collections.Safety: Manufactured to the highest safety level, ourproducts undergo rigorous safety tests and meet all regulations set by the U. S.Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the JPMA (Juvenile ProductsManufacturers Association).Quality: All Baby's Dream products are constructed of solid wood. This means no MDF, veneers, or particleboard. We build to be durable enough to last for generations. We even add extra thickness to our drawer bottoms and to restrict the possibility of stripping during conversions we use metal insert and bolt assembly.Value: Designed with cost savings in mind our convertiblecribs will grow with your baby and last for years to come. No additional purchase is required to convert to toddler bed.Design: Our cribs offer 2-4 mattress levels, depending on model, ranging from 26 inches (highest position) to 9 inches (lowest position).This allows your baby to stay in the crib longer where he/she is comfortable.

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Baby's Dream Furniture Serenity Convertible Crib

Limited Offer Today!! Baby's Dream Furniture Serenity Convertible Crib Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Canon Digital Powershot

Emily 4-in-1 Convertible Crib Nursery Set with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak

Special Price!!! Emily 4-in-1 Convertible Crib Nursery Set with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak

Oct 27, 2011 16:47:03

Emily 4-in-1 Convertible Crib Nursery Set with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak
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Emily 4-in-1 Convertible Crib Nursery Set with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak

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Emily 4-in-1 Convertible Crib Nursery Set with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak Overview

M4791O Nursery Set The Emily Convertible crib is perfect for your child. Suitable for newborns, toddlers, and youth, the Emily Convertible Crib can change from a crib to a toddler bed to a daybed to a full-sized bed. The optional Wooden Bed Rails is a very simple and cost effective solution to transition your child's crib into a Full Size Bed. The mattress spring system adjusts to four different levels, allowing the crib to last through your infant's growth. Furniture Features: -The Emily Convertible crib has a 4-level mattress spring system and includes the Toddler Bed conversion kit (Full size headboard and footboard) -Changing Table includes 1'' Pad and safety belt -Optional Wooden Bed Rails for Full Size Bed conversion -Meets and exceeds all US safety standards -Actual color may vary slightly from shown -Constructed from New Zealand Radiata Pine Wood -Ready to assemble -Linens not included -This is a NON-Drop Side crib. Emily Convertible Crib Assembly Instructions About New Zealand Radiata Pine Wood: Radiata Pine, better known as 'New Zealand Pine' is a softwood tree that contains many properties that make it very suitable for furniture and furniture making. It has a density equal to that of hardwoods like poplar, mahogany and oak. Its uniform density ensures a smooth and consistent texture and confers its excellent machining, painting and staining properties; there is almost no variation in color between pieces. DaVinci's pine wood originates from forests maintained by managers that enforce environmental responsibility and the conservation of forest wildlife. ***Please note that these products cannot be shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico. We apologize for the inconvenience - feel free to call us regarding alternatives! This Crib is approved for use in the United States.

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Emily 4-in-1 Convertible Crib Nursery Set with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak

Limited Offer Today!! Emily 4-in-1 Convertible Crib Nursery Set with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Book Ladder Shelf Jungle Bedding Sets

Using Tiles For Your Bathroom Walls

If you need to renovate your bathroom walls or you just want to make some adjustments to your bathroom, think of the easiest and the cheapest way to do that. Consider your budget and your DIY skills before starting your project, then make a plan and stick to it. If you can afford it, get creative, remodel the entire place and hire professionals for more difficult jobs. Nevertheless, think of using tiles for your bathroom walls.

Honey Oak Crib

You can style up your bathroom by using a nice wall color or an elegant flooring pattern with limestone tiles. As they are suitable for both traditional and modern interior design settings, and they are easy to maintain, creamy colored tiles are perfect for bathrooms and wet rooms. If you choose travertine or limestone tiles for both bathroom floors and walls, the entire place might look a bit cold. Therefore, use warm colored tiles, like beige or rust, to counteract the cold atmosphere of the place. If you don't want to step on a cold surface in the morning, use electric floor heating underneath those tiles.

Honey Oak Crib

Interior designers know how important it is to use appropriate colors for each room of the house. Colors have a great effect on our psyche; therefore we should choose them with great when we paint our crib. Shades of gray, green and beige are the best option for bathroom walls. They give a warm, comfortable feeling to the place where we usually come to take a bath and relax after a stressful day at work. Think of the colors used in spas and other relaxing areas.

Another important thing to take care of when we remodel our bathroom is ventilation. In order to make sure moisture doesn't ruin our bathroom we should install an appropriate ventilation fan; that will prevent mold and mildew from ruining our renovation work.

Tiles have been the number one choice for bathroom walls for decades. They are not only beautiful to look at, but also practical for such spaces, due to their water resistance and durability. As they come in a variety of colors and models, choosing the best product has become a real challenge for house owners. Ask for professional advice if you are not sure of your choice. Check out interior design websites for bathroom renovation ideas.

Using Tiles For Your Bathroom Walls
Honey Oak Crib

Special Price!!! DaVinci Emily/Kalani Combo Dresser Hutch in Honey Oak

Oct 26, 2011 17:54:08

DaVinci Emily/Kalani Combo Dresser Hutch in Honey Oak
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DaVinci Emily/Kalani Combo Dresser Hutch in Honey Oak

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DaVinci Emily/Kalani Combo Dresser Hutch in Honey Oak Feature

  • Comes with brackets to attach to combo dresser for added security
  • Made of sustainable pine and wood composite
  • Lead and Phthalate Safe, Non-Toxic Finish
  • Available in cherry, ebony, oak, espresso and white

DaVinci Emily/Kalani Combo Dresser Hutch in Honey Oak Overview

Kalani Combo hutch is a great addition to your Kalani combo dresser for added space and storage with 2 shelves to help organize your things. It comes with brackets that you can use to attach to your combo dresser. Features: Honey Oak finish Beautiful hutch will be a great addition for your Kalani combo dresser to add more shelf space Brackets included to attach hutch to combo dresser for added security Made of pine and wood composites Assembly required 1 Year Warranty Specifications: Dimensions: 45" H x 55" W x 11" D

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DaVinci Emily/Kalani Combo Dresser Hutch in Honey Oak

Limited Offer Today!! DaVinci Emily/Kalani Combo Dresser Hutch in Honey Oak Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Go Hero Camera Wall Mount Tv Shelves

Sports Fan - Waste Basket

Special Price!!! Sports Fan - Waste Basket

Oct 25, 2011 19:01:24

Sports Fan - Waste Basket
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Sports Fan - Waste Basket

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Sports Fan - Waste Basket Feature

  • Sports Theme , Collection Includes Waste Basket (Each Sold Separately)
  • Blue, Green
  • Spot Clean Only

Sports Fan - Waste Basket Overview

Please Allow 7-14 Days For Delivery

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Sports Fan - Waste Basket

Limited Offer Today!! Sports Fan - Waste Basket Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Dark Wood Shelves Wooden Bar Stools Swivel

DaVinci Ryan 4 Drawer Chest in Honey Oak Finish

Special Price!!! DaVinci Ryan 4 Drawer Chest in Honey Oak Finish

Oct 24, 2011 20:06:17

DaVinci Ryan 4 Drawer Chest in Honey Oak Finish
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DaVinci Ryan 4 Drawer Chest in Honey Oak Finish

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for DaVinci Ryan 4 Drawer Chest in Honey Oak Finish <<

DaVinci Ryan 4 Drawer Chest in Honey Oak Finish Feature

  • Designed with 4 drawers
  • Wood and wood veneer construction
  • Comes ready to assemble
  • Available in a wide selection of finishes
  • Dimensions: 20.5L x 31.5W x 39H in.

DaVinci Ryan 4 Drawer Chest in Honey Oak Finish Overview

Ryan 4-drawer dresser is a must have in any nursery. The sleek look of dresser will be a prefect addition to any nursery. The 4 drawers allow for ample storage for baby supplies. This would compliment your Emily crib. Features: Drawers glide on metal hardware for easy access and has a stop mechanism that will lock that will not allow your little one to open it all the way. Dresser top can fit most changer pads and can be used as changer as well. Plenty of storage space to hold all the baby neccessities Lead and phthalate safe Non-toxic finish Made of solid New Zealand Pine wood from sustainable forests and engineered wood products Dimensions: 32.75" L x 20.5" W x 39.125" H Weight: 78 lb.Product Warranty:1 year warranty

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DaVinci Ryan 4 Drawer Chest in Honey Oak Finish

Limited Offer Today!! DaVinci Ryan 4 Drawer Chest in Honey Oak Finish Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Infant Mattress Canon 85Mm Lense

DaVinci Emily/Kalani Combo Dresser Hutch in Honey Oak

Special Price!!! DaVinci Emily/Kalani Combo Dresser Hutch in Honey Oak

Oct 23, 2011 21:13:48

DaVinci Emily/Kalani Combo Dresser Hutch in Honey Oak
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DaVinci Emily/Kalani Combo Dresser Hutch in Honey Oak

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for DaVinci Emily/Kalani Combo Dresser Hutch in Honey Oak <<

DaVinci Emily/Kalani Combo Dresser Hutch in Honey Oak Feature

  • Comes with brackets to attach to combo dresser for added security
  • Made of sustainable pine and wood composite
  • Lead and Phthalate Safe, Non-Toxic Finish
  • Available in cherry, ebony, oak, espresso and white

DaVinci Emily/Kalani Combo Dresser Hutch in Honey Oak Overview

Kalani Combo hutch is a great addition to your Kalani combo dresser for added space and storage with 2 shelves to help organize your things. It comes with brackets that you can use to attach to your combo dresser. Features: Honey Oak finish Beautiful hutch will be a great addition for your Kalani combo dresser to add more shelf space Brackets included to attach hutch to combo dresser for added security Made of pine and wood composites Assembly required 1 Year Warranty Specifications: Dimensions: 45" H x 55" W x 11" D

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DaVinci Emily/Kalani Combo Dresser Hutch in Honey Oak

Limited Offer Today!! DaVinci Emily/Kalani Combo Dresser Hutch in Honey Oak Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Nikon 26X Zoom Camera

DaVinci Alpha 3 in 1 Convertible Crib Color - Honey Oak

Special Price!!! DaVinci Alpha 3 in 1 Convertible Crib Color - Honey Oak

Oct 22, 2011 22:21:35

DaVinci Alpha 3 in 1 Convertible Crib Color - Honey Oak
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DaVinci Alpha 3 in 1 Convertible Crib Color - Honey Oak

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for DaVinci Alpha 3 in 1 Convertible Crib Color - Honey Oak <<

DaVinci Alpha 3 in 1 Convertible Crib Color - Honey Oak Feature

  • Conversion crib with hardwood spindles JPMA Certified to ensure crib safety
  • Toddler Bed Conversion ready with optional Rail
  • Teething rail included
  • Stationary side rails
  • Multiposition Mattress Support adjusts to four heights

DaVinci Alpha 3 in 1 Convertible Crib Color - Honey Oak Overview

About This Crib Smooth hardwood features and European design makes the DaVinci Alpha Standard Crib a versatile piece for your nursery. The Multi-position Mattress Support adjusts to four heights to accommodate a growing infant. Designed to be a part of your child's life for many years to come, this crib converts easily to a toddler bed with an optional conversion kit. It is JPMA Certified to ensure your child's safety and comes in a choice of kid-safe finishes. About the Da Vinci Company The Da Vinci company has developed an impeccable reputation for being the best in nursery furniture. Created in 1990, Da Vinci's founder, Daniel Fong, set out to build a company that offers top quality furniture at an excellent price. Word quickly spread that Da Vinci provided the classic style and outstanding quality that parents demanded. In keeping with the needs and commitment to parents and kids, Da Vinci grew their line of products to include fabulous cribs that convert to toddler and full-size beds. These convertibles have become as in demand as the traditional crib styles. From dramatic colors and styles to sweet, classic lines, Da Vinci continues to create wonderful nursery furniture for your little ones. Conversion crib with hardwood spindles JPMA Certified to ensure crib safety. Toddler Bed Conversion ready with optional Rail. Teething rail included. Stationary side rails. Multiposition Mattress Support adjusts to four heights. Casters provide the ability to move around the nursery. Features SafetyGlide hardware system. Smooth hardwood construction. Choice of kid-safe finishes. Converts to a toddler bed with optional conversion kit. Dimensions: 53.5L x 30W x 48H inches.

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This DaVinci Alpha 3 in 1 Convertible Crib Color - Honey Oak ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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DaVinci Alpha 3 in 1 Convertible Crib Color - Honey Oak

Limited Offer Today!! DaVinci Alpha 3 in 1 Convertible Crib Color - Honey Oak Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Metal Swivel Counter Stools Burris Hunting Scopes

DaVinci Twin/Full Size Bed Rails for Kalani, Emily, and Annabelle Cribs - Honey Oak -- oak

Special Price!!! DaVinci Twin/Full Size Bed Rails for Kalani, Emily, and Annabelle Cribs - Honey Oak -- oak

Oct 21, 2011 23:24:27

DaVinci Twin/Full Size Bed Rails for Kalani, Emily, and Annabelle Cribs - Honey Oak -- oak
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DaVinci Twin/Full Size Bed Rails for Kalani, Emily, and Annabelle Cribs - Honey Oak -- oak

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for DaVinci Twin/Full Size Bed Rails for Kalani, Emily, and Annabelle Cribs - Honey Oak -- oak <<

DaVinci Twin/Full Size Bed Rails for Kalani, Emily, and Annabelle Cribs - Honey Oak -- oak Feature

  • DaVinci Twin/Full Size Bed Rails for Kalani, Emily, and Annabelle Cribs - Honey Oak This full/twin
  • Very easy to assemble in minutes and you will have extended the useful life of your DaVinci crib
  • Non-toxic finish
  • Made of New Zealand Pine wood from sustainable forests.Measures 76.625"L x 1.75"W x 4.

DaVinci Twin/Full Size Bed Rails for Kalani, Emily, and Annabelle Cribs - Honey Oak -- oak Overview

DaVinci Twin/Full Size Bed Rails for Kalani, Emily, and Annabelle Cribs - Honey Oak This full/twin size conversion rail kit can be used to convert your Emily, Kalani, or Richmond crib into a full size bed or the Emily or Kalani Mini Crib into a twin size bed. Very easy to assemble in minutes and you will have extended the useful life of your DaVinci crib for many more enjoyable years to come. Non-toxic finish. Made of New Zealand Pine wood from sustainable forests.Measures 76.625"L x 1.75"W x 4.75"HProduct Weight: 12.5 lbs

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This DaVinci Twin/Full Size Bed Rails for Kalani, Emily, and Annabelle Cribs - Honey Oak -- oak ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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DaVinci Twin/Full Size Bed Rails for Kalani, Emily, and Annabelle Cribs - Honey Oak -- oak

Limited Offer Today!! DaVinci Twin/Full Size Bed Rails for Kalani, Emily, and Annabelle Cribs - Honey Oak -- oak Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Camo Sheets Queen

DaVinci Kalani Combo Dresser - Honey Oak

Special Price!!! DaVinci Kalani Combo Dresser - Honey Oak

Oct 21, 2011 00:25:45

DaVinci Kalani Combo Dresser - Honey Oak
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DaVinci Kalani Combo Dresser - Honey Oak

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DaVinci Kalani Combo Dresser - Honey Oak Feature

  • This piece of nursery furniture features 3 long drawers which are perfect for storing clothing and another storage area with shelves behind a door--the perfect place to hide the clutter
  • Metal glide hardware and stop mechanism on drawers, tip proof
  • Made of sustainable pine and wood composite
  • Lead and Phthalate Safe, Non-Toxic Finish
  • Available in cherry, ebony, oak, espresso and white

DaVinci Kalani Combo Dresser - Honey Oak Overview

This combo dresser is engineered for usability. It's got all the style you could want and all the space you could need. Part of the Kalani collection it is designed with clean, simple, but elegant lines so it blends well with many other styles. This combo dresser will become a family favorite and is destined to become an heirloom. Like getting two pieces of furniture in one it combines two storage pieces, a dresser and shelved unit which will service the needs of a baby and young child but be just as appropriate for a teenager.This piece of nursery furniture features 3 long drawers which are perfect for storing clothing and another storage area with shelves behind a door--the perfect place to hide the clutter. Features: Combo dresser has 3 drawers on one side and a fixed shelf on the other side Drawers glide on metal hardware for easy access and has a stop mechanism that will lock that will not allow your little one to open it all the way Dresser top can fit most changer pads and can be used as changer as well We recommend the M5316, 34" contour pad, or M5319, 31" contour pad to use on this dresser Lead and phthalate safe Non-toxic finish Made of solid New Zealand Pine wood from sustainable forests and engineered wood products 1 year warranty Specifications: Product Dimensions: 38"H x 16"W x 52"D Assembled Weight: 101 lbs.

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DaVinci Kalani Combo Dresser - Honey Oak

Limited Offer Today!! DaVinci Kalani Combo Dresser - Honey Oak Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Flip Chair Beds

DaVinci Emily Three Drawer Changer - Honey Oak

Special Price!!! DaVinci Emily Three Drawer Changer - Honey Oak

Oct 20, 2011 01:26:19

DaVinci Emily Three Drawer Changer - Honey Oak
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DaVinci Emily Three Drawer Changer - Honey Oak

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DaVinci Emily Three Drawer Changer - Honey Oak Feature

  • Made of sustainable pine and wood composite
  • includes 1" waterproof changing pad and safety strap
  • Lead and phthalate Safe, non-toxic finish ASTM certified
  • Dimensions: 365W X 225D X 41H
  • 1 year limited manufacture warranty

DaVinci Emily Three Drawer Changer - Honey Oak Overview

Da Vinci Emily 3 Drawer Changer The Emily 3 Drawer Changer is a great piece of furniture that will be cherished for years. This combination baby dresser and changer has 3 drawers and a changing table top which includes a 1 inch foam changing pad. This exquisite piece of nursery furniture comes in a variety of finishes to fit any nursery theme. The drawers have enough storage space for all of the baby's necessities from clothing to towels and are a combination of pine wood and particleboard. The Emily by Da Vinci Baby Furniture is a classic piece, part of an elegant collection perfect for all themes and designs, which can help create the ideal nursery decor. Item is a special order and has a 30 percent restocking fee, your credit card will be charged when the order is placed and any damaged or defective parts will be replaced by the manufacturer. Requires adult assembly.

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DaVinci Emily Three Drawer Changer - Honey Oak

Limited Offer Today!! DaVinci Emily Three Drawer Changer - Honey Oak Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Mattress Sale Sealy

DaVinci Alpha Toddler Bed Conversion Kit - Honey Oak

Special Price!!! DaVinci Alpha Toddler Bed Conversion Kit - Honey Oak

Oct 19, 2011 02:33:51

DaVinci Alpha Toddler Bed Conversion Kit - Honey Oak
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DaVinci Alpha Toddler Bed Conversion Kit - Honey Oak

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for DaVinci Alpha Toddler Bed Conversion Kit - Honey Oak <<

DaVinci Alpha Toddler Bed Conversion Kit - Honey Oak Feature

  • Convert your Anastasia, Alpha or Roxanne Crib into a toddler bed
  • Made of New Zealand Pine wood from sustainable forests
  • Lead and phthalate Safe, non-toxic finish
  • 1-year limited warranty
  • Measures 525" lengthx 1475" weight x 15" height, product weight: 5 pounds

DaVinci Alpha Toddler Bed Conversion Kit - Honey Oak Overview

Once your little one has outgrown the crib, this Toddler Bed Conversion Rail Kit allows you to easily convert it into a toddler bed. With a simple installation using just four included screws, you can extend the use of the crib until your child is ready for a twin bed. Measures 51.5"L x 1.125"W x 13.5"H. Compatible with the Alpha crib (M7591) and Anastasia crib (M7801). Features: Extends the useful life of your DaVinci crib and converts your crib to a toddler bed Compatible with the Alpha crib (M7591) and Anastasia crib (M7801) Lead and phthalate safe Non-toxic finish Made of solid New Zealand Pine wood from sustainable forests Measures 51.5"L x 1.125"W x 13.5"H 1 year warranty

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This DaVinci Alpha Toddler Bed Conversion Kit - Honey Oak ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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DaVinci Alpha Toddler Bed Conversion Kit - Honey Oak

Limited Offer Today!! DaVinci Alpha Toddler Bed Conversion Kit - Honey Oak Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Black Ladder Shelves Folding Serving Trays

DaVinci Emily Convertible Mini Crib - Honey Oak -- oak

Special Price!!! DaVinci Emily Convertible Mini Crib - Honey Oak -- oak

Oct 18, 2011 03:40:41

DaVinci Emily Convertible Mini Crib - Honey Oak -- oak
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DaVinci Emily Convertible Mini Crib - Honey Oak -- oak

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DaVinci Emily Convertible Mini Crib - Honey Oak -- oak Feature

  • DaVinci Emily Convertible Mini Crib - Honey Oak This crib gives baby years of sweet serenity in a
  • In one simple conversion, this mini crib becomes a twin bed for when baby’s all grown up
  • That’s endearing
  • That’s Emily
  • A contemporary, yet classic style that is cleverly designed to change form and function with your

DaVinci Emily Convertible Mini Crib - Honey Oak -- oak Overview

DaVinci Emily Convertible Mini Crib - Honey Oak This crib gives baby years of sweet serenity in a smaller package. In one simple conversion, this mini crib becomes a twin bed for when baby’s all grown up. That’s endearing. That’s Emily. A contemporary, yet classic style that is cleverly designed to change form and function with your child’s growth. The Emily Mini Crib is a perfect solution for space saving when you still want style but you do not have the space for a full size crib. Emily Mini Crib is the perfect solution for space saving in any nursery. Mattresss support that can be adjusted to 4 levels to adjust to your growing baby. Includes 1" waterproof pad. Can be converted to twin size bed with conversion rails sold separately (M4799). Lead and phthalate safe. Non-toxic finish. Made of solid New Zealand Pine wood from sustainable forests and engineered wood products. JPMA certified. Assembled: 39.5"L x 28"W x 38"HProduct Weight: 34 lbs

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DaVinci Emily Convertible Mini Crib - Honey Oak -- oak

Limited Offer Today!! DaVinci Emily Convertible Mini Crib - Honey Oak -- oak Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Corner Ladder Bookcase Toddler Mattress Carpet Glides

DaVinci Kalani Convertible Crib in Espresso

Special Price!!! DaVinci Kalani Convertible Crib in Espresso

DaVinci Kalani Convertible Crib in Espresso
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DaVinci Kalani Convertible Crib in Espresso

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DaVinci Kalani Convertible Crib in Espresso Feature

  • Features 4 level mattress spring system to adjust to your child's growth
  • Toddler rail included, assembly instructions included
  • Made of New Zealand Pine wood from sustainable forests
  • JPMA certified, meets and exceeds Federal Safety Regulations
  • Converts to full size bed with m4799 rails sold seperately

DaVinci Kalani Convertible Crib in Espresso Overview

For a crib that grows with your baby, choose a 4 in 1 convertible model. Build a nursery with quality furniture your child can enjoy for many years. The sturdy construction and timeless style of DaVinci8217;s convertible wood cribs mean you8217;ll also have a toddler bed, day bed, and twin bed, all with a few simple changes. Choose the Kalani for a bold statement. In espresso, the Kalani is a striking, contemporary design that you8217;re sure to love for years to come. Features: Metal mattress support that can be adjusted to 4 levels to fit your growing baby Toddler guard rail kit included to easily convert crib to toddler bed Footboard and headboard included to convert to full size (full size rails M4799 sold separately) Stationary side crib with no moving parts Lead and phthalate safe Non-toxic finish Made of solid New Zealand Pine wood from sustainable forests JPMA certified 1 year warranty Specifications: Product Dimensions: 42"H x 35"W x 54.375"D Assembled Weight: 56.5 lbs.

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DaVinci Kalani Convertible Crib in Espresso

Limited Offer Today!! DaVinci Kalani Convertible Crib in Espresso Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Nojo Crib Set Convertible Crib Bed Rail

Kalani 4-in-1 Convertible Crib Nursery Set with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak

Special Price!!! Kalani 4-in-1 Convertible Crib Nursery Set with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak

Kalani 4-in-1 Convertible Crib Nursery Set with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak
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Kalani 4-in-1 Convertible Crib Nursery Set with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak

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Kalani 4-in-1 Convertible Crib Nursery Set with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak Overview

M5501O / M5555O The Kalani 4-in-1 Convertible Crib Set in Honey Oak is a collection that can be enjoyed for years to come. The optional conversion rails allow you to transform this elegant and contemporary style crib into a toddler bed, or use the stationary side as a headboard for a full size bed! Add the Kalani Three Drawer Changer in Espresso, the Kalani Four Drawer Dresser in Espresso, the 53 Series Baby Mattress and the Espresso Wooden Bed Rails for a beautiful, versatile set! Furniture Features: -Can be converted to toddler bed or daybed -Guard rail for safety for toddler bed conversion included -Kalani Three Drawer Changer includes 1'' Pad and safety belt -Optional Kalani Combo Dresser includes 4 Drawers for additional storage -Optional Bed Rails convert Kalani Crib into a full-size bed -Meets and exceeds all US safety standards -Actual color may vary slightly from shown -Constructed from New Zealand Radiata Pine Wood -Ready to assemble -Linens not included -This is a NON-Drop Side crib. Kalani 4-in-1 Crib Assembly Instructions Mattress Features: Specifications: -Kalani Crib Dimensions: 42'' H x 54.5'' W x 34.5'' D -Kalani Three Drawer Changer Dimensions: 40.75'' H x 36.5'' W x 22.5'' D -Pad Dimensions: 1'' H x 34'' W x 17'' D -Kalani Four Drawer Dresser Dimensions: 38.5'' H x 32.75'' W x 20.5'' D -Kalani Combo Dresser Dimensions: 39'' H x 54'' W x 20'' D About New Zealand Radiata Pine Wood: Radiata Pine, better known as 'New Zealand Pine' is a softwood tree that contains many properties that make it very suitable for furniture and furniture making. It has a density equal to that of hardwoods like poplar, mahogany and oak. Its uniform density ensures a smooth and consistent texture and confers its excellent machining, painting and staining properties; there is almost no variation in color between pieces. DaVinci's pine wood originates from forests maintained by managers that enforce environmental responsibility and the conservation of forest wildlife. ***Ple

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This Kalani 4-in-1 Convertible Crib Nursery Set with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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Kalani 4-in-1 Convertible Crib Nursery Set with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak

Limited Offer Today!! Kalani 4-in-1 Convertible Crib Nursery Set with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Childrens Wooden Toy Boxes Cube Toy Storage Wooden Bed Tray

Emily 4-in-1 Convertible Crib with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak

Special Price!!! Emily 4-in-1 Convertible Crib with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak

Emily 4-in-1 Convertible Crib with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak
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Emily 4-in-1 Convertible Crib with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak

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Emily 4-in-1 Convertible Crib with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak Overview

M4791O The Emily Convertible Crib is perfect for your child. With the ability to be converted into a daybed and a full bed, it grows as your child does. Suitable for newborns, toddlers, and youth, the Emly Convertible Crib can convert from a crib to a toddler bed to a daybed to a full-sized bed. The mattress spring system adjusts to four different levels, allowing the crib to last through your infant's growth. The Daybed Conversion Rail Kit is a very simple and cost effective solution to transition your child's crib to youth bed. Crib Features: -4 level mattress spring system that allows you to adjust the mattress height as your infant grows -Toddler Bed conversion kit included (Full size headboard and footboard) -Optional Wooden Bed Rails for Full Size Bed conversion -Meets and exceeds all US safety standards -Actual color may vary slightly from shown -Constructed from New Zealand Radiata Pine Wood -Ready to assemble -Linens not included -This is a NON-Drop Side crib. Emily Convertible Crib Assembly Instructions Dimensions: -Crib: 42'' H x 54'' W x 34'' D About New Zealand Radiata Pine Wood: Radiata Pine, better known as 'New Zealand Pine' is a softwood tree that contains many properties that make it very suitable for furniture and furniture making. It has a density equal to that of hardwoods like poplar, mahogany and oak. Its uniform density ensures a smooth and consistent texture and confers its excellent machining, painting and staining properties; there is almost no variation in color between pieces. DaVinci's pine wood originates from forests maintained by managers that enforce environmental responsibility and the conservation of forest wildlife. ***Please note that these products cannot be shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico. We apologize for the inconvenience - feel free to call us regarding alternatives! This Crib is approved for use in the United States.

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This Emily 4-in-1 Convertible Crib with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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Emily 4-in-1 Convertible Crib with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak

Limited Offer Today!! Emily 4-in-1 Convertible Crib with Toddler Rail in Honey Oak Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Novaform Mattress